
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Woman and Her Wits by G F Monkshood | PDF

Woman and Her Wits by G F Monkshood | PDF | 977 KB
Woman and Her Wits 
G F Monkshood
Until some fortunate being—wit, student, and man of the world (he will have to be all thr ee)—can, in a cunningly chosen library , write the history of the Epigram, and the birth and gr owth of epigrammatic thought, we shall always be in doubt as to what an epigram is, and most people will be in doubt as to where the best epigrams ar e. The wor d itself is as difficult to define as its own essences —wit, humour , style, etc. W e r ecognise the epigram when utter ed or printed just as swiftly as we r ecognise beauty in a woman, yet rar ely can we describe either . The sheer study that awaits the historian of the Epigram has, doubtless, been agr eat deterr ent; he would have to consider epigrams fr om the Bible and the apocryphal writings downwar ds! In “W oman and the Wits” I have br ought together some of the wisest, wittiest, and tender est epigrams, pr overbs, axioms, adages or short, pithy sentences—call them what you will—r elating to the woman and women, and also to the passions, affections, sentiments, and emotions generally. My thanks ar e due principally to Mr . Morton and Mr . Du Bois for many excellent epigrams and for hints as to arrangement.

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Woman and Her Wits by G F Monkshood | PDF | 977 KB

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