
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Black Holes Wormholes And Time Machines By Jim Al Khalili PDF

Black Holes Wormholes And Time Machines By Jim Al Khalili PDF
Jim Al-Khalili was born in 1962 and works as a theoretical physicist at the University of Surrey in Guildford. He is a pioneering popularizer of science and is dedicated to conveying the wonder of science and to demystifying its frontiers for the general public. He is an active member of the Public Awareness of Nuclear Science European committee. His current research is into the properties of new types of atomic nuclei containing neutron halos. He obtained his Ph.D. in theoretical nuclear physics from
Surrey in 1989 and, after two years at University College London, returned to Surrey as a Research Fellow before being appointed a lecturer in 1992. He has since taught quantum physics, relativity theory, mathematics and nuclear physics to Surrey undergraduates. He is married with two young children and lives in Portsmouth in


This book is meant for all those people—which is pretty much
everyone I know—who are curious about such exotic sounding
concepts as black holes, space warps, the Big Bang, time travel
and parallel universes. In writing the book I have asked myself
whether complete non-experts can learn a little about some of the
ideas of modern physics without feeling the urge to check that
their IQ is up to the task before embarking.
The subject matter of the book has been covered elsewhere
at many different levels. At the very top is the advanced text or
monograph for the practitioner in the field. This is the sorcerer’s
spell book, decipherable only by the privileged few. Then comes
the textbook aimed at the university physics student. It too
contains some spells, but nothing very powerful. Below that
comes the top end of the popular science market. Such books
are aimed at the non-scientist in that they contain little or no
mathematics. However, they appeal only to those who are either
(a) other scientists or (b) fans of such books already, who have
invariably read similar books on the subject.

So, when writing this book I have made every effort to cut
out as much scientific jargon as possible. Popular science writers
are, on the whole, becoming highly adept these days at explaining
complex concepts using everyday words. But every now and then
we will let slip a ‘Jargonese’ word which to us is so obvious we

forget that it does not carry the same meaning for everyone.

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