
Monday, October 9, 2017

Masud Rana 442 and 443 | Pashobik part 1 and 2 | PDF

Masud Rana 442 and 443 | Pashobik part 1 and  2 | PDF | 13.1 MB
Pashobik part 1 and  2
Story: Based on Hunter (Huggins novel) by James Byron Huggins. Creature-hunting Thriller.

Nathaniel Hunter could track anyone, or anything, on Earth. Now the military desperately needs him for a mission that his ultra sensitive instincts tell him he should refuse. A beast is loose somewhere north of the Arctic Circle. It has already decimated a secret research facility and annihilated a squad of elite military guards. And the raging creature is headed south toward civilization, ready to wreak bloody devastation. It is a job Hunter cannot turn down, but he soon discovers that his prey is terror incarnate, a half-human abomination created by a renegade agency through a series of outlawed genetic experiments. It has man's cunning, a predator's savageness, and a prehistoric power that has transcended the ages. And even if Hunter survives its unrelenting hunger for human blood, he will still have to confront the grim reality that it may have grown immortal.
Masud Rana 442 and 443 | Pashobik part 1 and  2 | PDF | 13.1 MB

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