
Monday, October 9, 2017

Masud Rana 438| Patokinee | PDF

Masud Rana 338| Patokinee | PDF | 8.62 MB
Story: Based on The Mayan Secrets by Clive Cussler. A Fargo Adventure novel.

Plot: Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are in Mexico, when they come upon a remarkable discovery—the skeleton of a man clutching an ancient sealed pot, and within the pot, a Mayan codex, larger than anyone has ever seen. The codex contains astonishing information about the Mayans, their cities, and mankind itself. The secrets are so powerful that some people would do anything to possess them—as the Fargos are just about to find out who.
Masud Rana 438| Patokinee | PDF | 8.62 MB

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