Tin Goyenda is a fictional and most famous teenage thriller-adventure series adopted by Rakib Hasan And Shamsuddin Nawab. The original writer is Robert Arthur. Three teenager boy named Kishor Pasha, Robin Milford and Musa Aman is the leading role in this series. They lived in Rocky Beach, California, USA and studied at the same school. A most helpful character named David Christopher who is a film director helps them to take a position on spying at the beginning of the series. Another most helpful character is Rocky Beach Cheif of Police, Captain Yan Fletcher. There is also some supporting character such as- Omar Sharif, Georgina Parker, Merry Aunty, Rashed Uncle, Boris And Rover (Two Bavarian Brother) etc. In Bangladesh, The best choice for teenagers was this series in the earlier '90s.
Let's introduce the Tin Goyenda (Three Investigators):
Kishor Pasha:
He is a Bangladeshi American boy who lived on Roky beach. This place is in Los Angeles, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. A few miles away from Hollywood. Here, he lived with his uncle and aunty. His uncle runs a salvage yard named "Pasha Salvage Yard".
Robin Milford:
Robin is an Irish American. Lived with his reporter father and housewife mother. Robin works in the Rocky Beach library as a part-timer. Love to read books and climb a mountain.
Musa Aman:
Musa is an Afro-American. His father Rafat Aman works in Hollywood as a technician. Musa is a body-builder and loves eating. He also likes any kind of sports very much.
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